
2012 39th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, Stockholm, Sweden, (2nd–6th July)

An Extended Model of the L-H Transition in Tokamaks


2012 39th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, Stockholm, Sweden, (2nd–6th July)

Optimisation of the ITER Baseline Scenario


2011 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg, France, (20th - 24th June)

L-H Threshold at Low Density and Low M omentum Input in the JET Tokamak


2011 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg, France, (20th - 24th June)

Self-Consistent Predictive Modelling of 15MA Inductive Scenarios in ITER


2011 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg, France, (20th - 24th June)

Simulations of the H to L Transition in JET plasmas


2010 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejon, Republic of Korea, (10th–16th October)

Effect of ELM Mitigation on Confinement and Divertor Heat Loads on JET


2010 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejon, Republic of Korea, (10th–16th October)

Confinement and Edge Studies Towards Low r* and n* at JET


2010 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejon, Republic of Korea, (10th–16th October)

Towards a Steady-State Scenario with ITER Dimensionless Parameters in JET


2010 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejon, Republic of Korea, (10th–16th October)

Comparison Between Dominant NBI and Dominant IC Heated ELMy H-mode Discharges in JET


2010 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejon, Republic of Korea, (10th–16th October)

JET Helium-4 ELMy H-mode Studies
